Special event dates and impacts can be found on the Events Calendar. Affected lots will have signage posted and information will be sent to permit holders whenever possible. Permit holders may be required to move due to special events, construction, maintenance or safety issues. To learn about the rules and restrictions of holding a motorcycle permit, see the motorcycle permit policy. Motorcycle permits are available for purchase directly through eBusiness. Motorcycle permits are available for purchase starting August 1 before each new parking year begins. You do not need to apply for a motorcycle permit. For motorcycle stalls by lot, see the Motorcycle Parking Map (PDF). A UW motorcycle permit is valid in any UW motorcycle stall. To learn about the rules and restrictions of holding a night permit, read the night permit policy.Ī motorcycle permit is required to use motorcycle parking areas during lot hours of control. Night permits are available for purchase directly through eBusiness. Night permits are available for purchase starting August 1 before each new parking year begins. You do not need to apply for a night permit.

Lot 75 night permits have slightly extended weekday hours, from 4:30 pm – 8 am. Night Garage permits allow access to a specific parking garage from 4:30 pm – 7:30 am on weekdays, and all day Saturday and Sunday.Two options are available to faculty, staff, students, and the general public: Special event dates and impacts can be found on the events calendar.

You must apply for a Flex permit to be considered for a parking assignment.

Flex Gated permit holders may also park in alternate surface lots after-hours by paying with ParkMobile.įlex Surface permit holders pay for parking with ParkMobile at the start of each parking session in the assigned lot, or in alternate surface lots after hours.įor more information on the Flex program, visit the Flex parking webpage. Flex permits are ideal for those who frequently use active or alternative transportation methods, such as biking, busing, walking, telecommuting, carpooling or vanpooling, and only need to park on campus occasionally.įlex Gated permit holders pre-pay for parking in gated parking lots by adding value to their Flex permit in the eBusiness portal. Flex is a pay-per-use system to help reduce the number of single occupancy vehicle trips to campus.